Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chapter 9, (Sorry, it's late AGAIN)

I tried to post it yesterday but the internet was going wack-a-doodle. :)

December 14th

Yesterday the family went to church. So I stayed in my box the whole time. :) Today the girls decorated the Christmas tree. I watched from behind a wall. They put on a ton of ornaments, and I thought it would be crowded on the tree. Turns out, it wasn't. It was GORGEOUS. The turned on the multi-colored lights afterwards, and it was soooo pretty. I sighed. Then they ran to the window and saw the snow. After they had gone outside to play, I snuck into the kitchen to see what there was to eat. YUM! Christmas cookies... There were green ones, and ones with cream cheese frosting. I tried to get one, but then I heard their mom coming towards the kitchen so I quickly climbed onto the tops of the cabinets. Yuck, it sure was dusty. After she left I was about to get down when the girls clammored in from outside. They wanted hot chocolate, and of course, it was in the kitchen. Suffice it to say, I was stuck up there for 45 minutes. When they were FINALLY done, they went to the computer. I scrambled down and ran away. I was going to go downstairs, but someone closed the door! I didn't know where else to go, so I went upstairs to the 2 eldest girls' room. There was a pair of bunk beds, a (super small) tv, and a messy closet. Well, Then I explored. The lower bunk bed, (Which I later found out belonged to my future mom) was full of.. stuff? trash? junk? Let's just say, stuff, for now. The upper one was super clean, and it had a gazillion pictures. I hoped my mom was the super clean one. (AS IF xD) Then I went downstairs. (Somebody opened the door)


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